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Fillers Cheek augmentation

Cheek filler is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that gives your cheeks a fuller, more defined look. A healthcare provider injects safe substances called dermal fillers around and above your cheekbones.

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Lower Face Correction

It is important to note that fold lines from the edge of the nose to the corner of the mouth and those from the corner of the mouth to the chin are very difficult lines to correct. The recommended treatment for these lines are fillers such as Collagen, Restylane or Radiesse (Radiance).

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Lip Fillers

Lip fillers are one of the most popular types of dermal filler. They increase the volume of your lips. Candidates should be in good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations.


Anti Ageing fillers

Dermal fillers are a popular anti-ageing treatment designed to address the signs of ageing by restoring lost volume and smoothing out wrinkles and lines.

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COG Thread Face Lift - Anti Ageing

The mini-midface lift using cog threads is optimal for patients with mild soft tissue sagging of the midface who do not require or prefer a lifting surgery that involves a long skin incision.


Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy

A relaxed masseter muscle thins out. The aesthetic effect is a reduction in the flared or enlarged nature of the jawline. Within a week or two, most patients notice their jawline feels softer when they bite down and touch it. A more rounded jawline is usually noticeable within six weeks.

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Anti Ageing Puffiness Under Eyes

Various wrinkle treatments are used to improve the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. These include laser resurfacing, chemical peels and fillers, which may improve skin tone, tighten the skin and rejuvenate the under-eye area.

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Anti Ageing Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Mesotherapy can assist to enhance sluggish blood circulation, which helps the body flush out toxins that cause ageing, as well as dull, tired-looking skin and superficial wrinkles.

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Anti Ageing COG eyebrow lift

Loss of collagen and elastin, along with the effects of gravity, results in sagging. Around the forehead and eyebrows this can result in a sagging effect that makes the upper eyelids look heavy and sallow.

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